Build Your Own National Honor Our LGBT Elders Day Event
On May 16th, join others around the country in the celebration
Social Media
-Celebrating LGBT Elders, who through everyday authenticity or activism, have helped improve the lives of all LGBT people.
-Save the date! #LGBTEldersDay is coming up!
-You can get involved! 5/16 is #LGBTEldersDay. It’s time to honor the @LGBTElders in your life.
-#LGBTEldersDay celebrates the importance of honoring LGBT older adults and their contributions to our organizations and communities around the world.
-Join the movement; share your story and be part of #LGBTEldersDay
-Mark your calendars! 5/16 is coming soon. How will you support your #LGBTElders? Visit https://lgbteldersday.org to learn more. #LGBTEldersDay
Don’t forget to like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/LGBTEldersDay to engage with others throughout the country!
Ideas for Art Communities
-Local Museums
-College of Arts/arts programs at local universities or high schools
-Local Galleries
-Community theater and improv groups
– Life drawing with LGBT older adult models
– Put on an ‘paint’ night for elders to tell the story of their lives in mixed media
– Hold a storytelling class or event with a theater group for LGBT elders
– Take or host a show of intergenerational photo portraits
– Ask a museum to host LGBT elder morning/afternoon special tour or show
– Host a talk or lecture on LGBT images in the arts
– Invite an artist (or an LGBT elder artist) to exhibit work of LGBT elders to your community
– Have a theater performance be LGBT elders night
– Screen a movie about LGBT older adults and have a panel discussion afterwards
– Partnering with a museum? Tap into their newsletter
– Connect with the local office for promotion of the arts
– Have the designing of the poster/program/invitation be part of the arts project
– Talk with the marketing director of a theater to see what channels they use locally
– Invite school LGBT organizations to attend
Ideas for Educational Settings
– Middle School, High School, and University LGBTQ+ Groups
– University/college programs/professors in areas of: Social Work, Public Health, Media
Studies, LGBT Studies, Women and Gender Studies, History, Journalism, Creative Writing,
Visual and Performing Arts, and Aging Services
– GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network)
– Greek systems, particularly LGBT-oriented sororities and fraternities
– DIGITAL STORYTELLING recording and screening or listening events
– ADOPT AN LGBT GRANDPARENT class or dorm floor project
– Class panel discussions featuring LGBT ELDER SPEAKERS
– Sorority/Fraternity service or FUNDRAISING PROJECTS to support LGBT elders
– LGBT HISTORY curriculum and class research projects
– THEATER PROJECT based on an oral history performance
– Public health, nursing, social work, or other department LGBT ELDERS SPEAK OUT EVENT
– School newspapers
– University/college websites and social media calendars
– Alumni mailing or emailing lists
– GSA and Greek organization social media initiatives
– Chalk messages on college campuses
– Table tents in school cafeterias
Ideas for Healthcare Settings
– Create an opening and affirming space
– Teach providers how to ask and communicate about LGBT health:
How to do sex and gender history
How to do gender affirming history and physicals
How to ask about partner, relationships
How to make a safe environment for patients to disclose about relationships
How to discuss safe sex and health concerns related to safe sex
– Display posters and images of older LGBT people around the Center
– Provide resources – educational web sites, CME- webinars, literature
– Offer informational tables and events
HOST EVENTS with health materials and giveaways from your center at each:
– Lunch and Learns in collaboration with SAGE
– Set up a speed dating event for elders
– Bar events – Drag show, Drag bingo or other fun drag events
– Sunday Afternoon Tea
– Art Museums – Work with a museum to create an elder art exhibit or an LGBT elder day
– Jazz brunch at a local hot spot
– Club parties specifically for older LGBT individuals during Pride
ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS for lunch events or evening appetizer/dinner events:
– Sex after 60
Safe and fun sex – collaborate with local sex toy shop
Sexual dysfunction and solutions
STIs to know
Hepatitis C and LGBT Baby Boomers
PrEP/PEP and HIV infection, care, and treatment
Health disparities and specific elder population topics:
Lesbian health
Gay men’s health
Gender diverse elder health (including intersex populations)
-Mammogram van twice per year
-Mental Health
Depression and LGBT elders
Fighting substance abuse (alcohol, smoking, etc)
Loss and love for LGBT elders
Coming out after 50
Callen Lorde
Howard Brown Health
Lyon Martin
Mazzoni Center
Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Elders (SAGE)
American Society on Aging
Fenway Community Health Center
Gay and Lesbian Medical Association
Healthcare Equality Index
National Lesbian and Gay Task Force
Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Elders (SAGE)
Ideas for Social Services Settings
– Local senior community centers or adult day centers
– Local LGBT agencies with senior/elder focus
– Healthcare centers or health insurance agencies
– Senior housing programs
– Legal services agencies
– Local supportive services
ut on a local health community fairs/expos for LGBT elders
Hold a lunch and learn workshop or educational seminars that provide dinner
Coordinate a community café happy hour mixer
– Host support groups for LGBT elders, caregivers, etc.
– Present nutritional demonstration classes
– Offer a health and wellness seminar or event for LGBT elders
– Organize a legal clinic for LGBT elders
– Host a drop in case management event for LGBT elders to get basic needs, services, and
– Provide a presentation to agencies on LGBT elders needs
– Connect with local community organizations or partnering agencies/organizations to host
events and to collaborate on marketing campaigns
– Share-for-share: ask partner agencies to share your event info and you do the same for them
– Post to websites, Facebook, and social media calendars
– Design and post fliers in cafes and on community boards
– Provide transportation if possible, to events for LGBT elders
– Involve local youth to help promote events and advocate for LGBT elders